Koala Call Sheets is a simple to use tool especially created for producers of all levels of experience and fields of activity. It helps you schedule and plan ahead almost all thinkable aspects of the production.
It displays a comprehensive and intuitive interface that makes it very easy to understand and use. Whether you are a cinematography student or a professional producer, you are pleased to see that the application offers a wide range of categories in which you can store all the information you need for your projects.
Its functionality revolves around the sheet calendar. From it, you can jump to any day of the year and add, edit or remove events or details about them. For each project you create, a different calendar is added, this way, you avoid any mixups with the schedules.
Adding the production information is itself a fairly easy task and you are able to tailor a shooting day to your exact needs. When you click on a day in the calendar, you are prompted with a window that lets you add details about the scenes, weather, crew, cast, hospital, parking, call time, atmos and standins.
Koala Call Sheets is also able to synchronize with Gorilla or Chimpanzee, enabling you to instantly add crew members, actors and other details that are shared across a common project.
With Koala Call Sheets you can easily manage all your active or inactive crew members by organizing them in departments and giving them various titles. You can also create schedules that include the background actors or extras, as well as the standins.
The application can also facilitate multiplying and spreading the schedules. You can create custom entries for all your call sheets and save them as templates for later use of print them at any given moment.
And so, because Koala Call Sheets provides you with all the ‘must-have’ features of a professional production scheduler it’s easy to see why you should consider it for your next project.
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jose matheus
grazie mille per il serialBianca
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