Mgosoft PCL To PDF SDK is a toolkit that provides developers with the possibility to build applications that can convert PCL, PXL, and PX3 files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
Any piece of software built with the help of this software development kit can perform the said conversion operation even if the Adobe Acrobat application is not installed on the computer.
Application builders can develop programs that not only allow users to convert PCL, PXL, and PX3 to PDF, but which also provide them with the possibility to combine the source files into a single PDF file.
Developers can also take advantage of password-protection capabilities with Mgosoft PCL To PDF SDK, and they also have the possibility to change the author, title, subject, and keywords of their PDF files.
Mgosoft PCL To PDF SDK makes it easy for developers to integrate the file conversion capabilities with their applications and to start distributing them.
Developers can perform a wide array of tasks such as create handle for convert, set PDF encryption, information, stamping, combine all PCL files into one, bigger PDF file, add PCLÂ files and set PDF paratermers. A more detailed description of all the SDKs features and functions can be found in the dedicated section hosted on the developer's official website.
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grazie mille per il serialluciano
working crack. thanks