Disk Change Monitor is an application that can monitor your computer activities and give you reports on a variety of changes.
Here are some key features of "Disk Change Monitor":
■ File backups: When you request a list of changes that have occurred and Disk Change Monitor finds that some files have been added to your hard drive or that some of the existing files on your hard drive have been changed, a "Backup" button is enabled on the report page. Clicking on this button shows you a list of all the files that were added or changed. You can then select which ones you want to back up to another disk. When files are backed up, the complete directory structure of the files is copied to the new disk to allow you to easily find the files again.
■ Monitoring the use of your computer to make sure that children and/or employees are not abusing the computer: The report on Temporary Internet files stored on the computer allows you to see what Internet sites were visited can allow you to see if the computer was used to visit sexually explicit or otherwise undesirable sites. The report on when the computer was turned on and off is useful for parents who want to restrict how much time their children can use the computer. It is also useful for employers who want to track how much time employees work on their computers or whether the computer has been used at unauthorized times.
■ System diagnostics: Because Disk Change Monitor reports any files or directories that were deleted or altered, you can more easily determine what changes are responsible if your computer seems to be having trouble caused by corrupted or accidentally deleted files.
■ Uninstalling programs or reversing changes: Because Disk Change Monitor reports on all sorts of changes in your computer, it can make it easier for you to remove programs you have installed or reverse configuration changes. Not only will you have a list of files that were added, you can see if the installation of the files changed the configuration files such as WIN.INI.
■ Checking for viruses: If you suspect that a virus has infected your computer, you can use Disk Change Monitor to check for changes in the size of your files, since some viruses may increase the size of files. Note that this is not the most powerful way of checking for viruses, since there are so many powerful anti-virus programs. Also, Disk Change Monitor cannot detect viruses that do not infect files. However, most other programs work by searching for known viruses, while Disk Change Monitor works by looking for changes in known programs. It therefore provides a complimentary method of virus detection.
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