Being able to accurately manage your finances is an essential skill that affects all aspects of life, having good tools to do it with makes it easier and safer. OrgFinances is an application able to manage the finances of multiple accounts and multiple users, with several options to provide users with an accurately picture of the state of their finances.
The application features a very modern user interface that’s sleek and relies on clear, large icons and tabs, rather than lots of more technical menus. OrgFinances’ user friendly nature means that users will have no difficulty understanding how it works and quickly making use of its features and tools.
Its user friendly appearance and design does sacrifice on complexity though and any users with more advanced needs might find it lacking. The lack of any tax options or a place for bank information means it operates more like a spreadsheet of your incoming and outgoing transactions.
The system of multiple account users and password protection on them is a useful feature and helps protect sensitive information from other users. Unfortunately, no encryption is available though, so, while the application offers some security, it might be unwise for users to store overly important information in it.
OrgFinance relies heavily on its appointment and scheduling features, doubling as a way to track transactions and as a calendar for the financial year. The term appointments in the application is vague though, it relies on users to enter in the details of what that appointment is, rather than providing common ones.
The lack of a report system means that there is no overarching tie in to the appointment and schedule system, with the application unable to generate a financial report for the previous months or next months. Despite some more useful features being absent, it is still a good choice for any users who just wish to manage their money with more care.
In conclusion, the application is a good choice for users who want to take steps in being more responsible with their money. Those looking for a business aid or a way to manage their accounts in detail though might be disappointed.
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