PDF-XChange Pro is a suite that comes equipped with three separate applications for viewing PDF files, converting various documents to PDF, and more.
All apps comes with a user-friendly interface. In "PDF Viewer" you can import PDFs by using a file browser or the "drag and drop" method.
So, you can use a search function, zoom in and out, add notes and bookmarks, as well as use hand and selection tools.
But you can also go to a particular page, view document properties, open a PDF from URL, send it by email as ZIP, export it to an image, save and load settings, switch to full screen mode, rotate the view, import and export comments, and more.
"PDF Tools" in a program that lets you directly convert images (e.g. BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF) and text documents to PDFs, as well as PDF to RTF, DOC and TXT.
Furthermore, you can add or modify PDF bookmarks, split or merge PDFs, change page settings (page size, crop, rotate, add watermarks, edit thumbnails), extract images from PDFs, insert hyperlinks into a PDF, as well as use simple optimization of PDFs (e.g. compress fonts, streams, remove unused objects) and simple PDF page extraction.
"Office2PDF" allows you to convert documents found in the Microsoft Office suite to PDFs, such as Word, Excel, IE documents.
The entire application comes equipped with a full user documentation that contains images, and takes up a very low amount of system resources. PDF-XChange Pro certainly has its share of advanced features, but even novices can learn how to work with this tool.
No errors have popped up during our tests. Unfortunately, the demo version displays a watermark on the output files. Even so, we strongly recommend PDF-XChange Pro.
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Baie dankie vir die patch PDF-XChange Proraul
thanks for the patch for PDF-XChange ProEmanuele
спасибі за серійник для PDF-XChange Pro