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VS IP Monitor Crack With License Key Latest 2025

Carry out network monitoring tasks for checking the connectivity of TCP/IP hosts and play sound notifications, read aloud text, and run a certain program in case of errors or other events
Developed by Veronisoft January 28 2022 3 comments
VS IP Monitor Crack With License Key

Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows Vista

1.5 MB 26312 downloads Network Tools
997 4.0/5

Download VS IP Monitor [Crack Latest]

VS IP Monitor is a lightweight Windows application developed specifically for helping you perform network monitoring operations in order to check the connectivity of TCP/IP hosts.

The tool places a small pane on the screen which can be moved to any area of the desktop. It sports a clean and simple interface that offers details about the selected network method and status.

VS IP Monitor comes packed with several configuration settings that give you the possibility to change the layout of the interface by selecting from various skins, alter the background color or upload ICO files for assigning each IP a different image, and set the text color.

What’s more, you can specify the IP (IPv4 or IPv6) and host or computer name, enable the logging process, select the network monitoring method (ping, URL, or TCP), and perform automatic checking tasks at a specified time interval (in seconds).

Plus, VS IP Monitor is able to play sound notifications, display user-defined messages, or run an application when it detects errors. You are offered the freedom to set up the notifications in detail by importing custom audio files (WAV) from your computer and enable a text-to-speech mode.

Another important feature worth mentioning lets you monitor the network activity for multiple hosts at the same time. The application also keeps a log with details about the entire process and possible errors.

During our testing we have noticed that the program carries out a task quickly and without errors throughout the entire process. It doesn’t eat up a lot of CPU and memory, so it doesn’t hamper system performance, nor interfere with other programs’ functionality.

Some extra tools included in the package enable you to perform ping, web, trace route, and FTP-related tasks, manage shares, connect to a remote desktop, and send custom messages to a certain IP address.

To sum things up, VS IP Monitor combines ease of use with functionality for delivering excellent results when it comes to network monitoring operations. Thanks to its intuitive layout, it is suitable for beginners and experts alike.

VS IP Monitor Crack With License Key Latest 2025 VS IP Monitor Crack With License Key VS IP Monitor Crack + Serial Number (Updated)

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