ID USB Lock Key is a small tool that provides easy accessibility to protecting the contents of USB flash drive against unauthorized users. It targets all types of individuals, regardless of their skill level.
After the quick installation procedure finishes, ID USB Lock Key creates an icon in the system tray area, from where you can configure settings.
Therefore, you can select the destination for the key and generate it with the simple click of a button. The new protection status of the USB flash disk is set once you plug the device into the computer again.
In addition, you can refresh the drive list to pick another device, make ID USB Lock Key automatically run at system startup, as well as immediately lock the workstation from the right-click menu of the system tray icon.
ID USB Lock Key does not integrate a wide range of configuration settings, but it provides users with a simple alternative to locking their USB flash drives. It is very low-demanding in regard to the CPU and system memory, thus it doesn't put a strain on the computer's performance.
We have not experienced any problems throughout our evaluation, since the utility did not hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. Although it has not received updates for a pretty long time, Vieas supplies users with a quick and effective solution to guarding sensitive data on USB flash disks.
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