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PrintScreen Now 1.10 Crack Plus Keygen

Any time you press the Prt Scrn key, the familiar printer dialog box will appear.
Developed by Direct Logic Systems May 14th 2008 3 comments
PrintScreen Now Crack & Activation Code

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Download PrintScreen Now [Crack Latest]

Do you know what the Prt Scrn key at the top of your keyboard is for? 15 or 20 years ago, when you pressed the Prt Scrn key, whatever was on your screen was immediately printed to your printer. But things were a lot simpler back then because the only text were displayed on the screen. There were no graphics. You could only print text. No drivers or software were needed to print text.

Now the Prt Screen key has become an extra key that has no use at all. But we are bringing back the Print Screen functionality with the full feature of printing everything that is on your screen, including graphics, at the exact moment you press the Prt Scrn key.

After you install the PrintScreen Now software on your computer any time you press the Prt Scrn key, the familiar printer dialog box will appear. You will then be able to print to any printer that is connected to your computer, including network printers.


■ 15 days trial

■ nag screen

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thanks a lot. it worked.


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