ArcSoft Group Photo is a user-friendly application that can help you improve the looks of your group pictures so that all those involved are pleased with the result. What this application actually does is choose the best look for each person in the photo and combine them all to create a new, enhanced picture.
Upon launch you are welcomed by clear usage instructions, so that you can get accustomed to the application as quickly as possible. The simple layout and the intuitive options make this application very easy to use, while the integrated file explorer enables you to quickly select the images to process
You have to select between two and six different group shots in exactly the same scene, so that ArcSoft Group Photo can analyze them and combine elements together. Before trying it out on your own pictures, you can test the application using sample pictures.
ArcSoft Group Photo analyzes each person in the input pictures, enabling you to switch faces for each. As such, if a person in the photo is caught not looking at the camera, you can easily fix the problem. The base photo can easily be changed, but note that all your modifications will be lost if you have not saved the project.
There are also a few editing options that you can use to enhance the photo. The white balance can be set to auto and parameters such as the temperature, tint, brightness, contrast and saturation can easily be adjusted. You can also temper with highlights, shadows and light or crop and change the aspect ratio of an image.
Relying on an advanced face detection algorithm, ArcSoft Group Photo enables you to obtain the perfect photo out of a group. Whether your friends have red or closed eyes, don't smile or watch the camera, this utility that be exactly what you are looking for.
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thanks for working ArcSoft Group Photo serialTommaso
Thanks for the serial number for ArcSoft Group Photo