Considering the today’s networks, bandwidth consumption seems to be an important aspect that concerns many businesses. Demand can be driven by the use of cloud services and online applications, but it can also be consumed by IP-enabled devices, including mobile phones and laptops.
In these similar cases, the main solution is to add more bandwidth at the problem, though it is an expensive approach that does not really solve the real issue.
ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer is a straightforward software solution whose main purpose is to provide you with real time visibility into the network bandwidth performance. This way, you have the possibility to collect, analyze and monitor how your network bandwidth is used and by whom. You can limit the access to your network and optimize the bandwidth usage with ease.
Another reason that makes ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer worth a try is that it monitors the performance of the applications in your network and ensures the important ones to get the optimal bandwidth for proper running.
Because it provides you with helpful and intuitive dashboards, the application displays your network at a glance. You are able to view which applications use the most network traffic and identify which data flows and devices are currently generating the most traffic overall.
Additionally, you have the possibility to drill drown to an IP group and get a detailed usage report for that specific group. This action allows you to view the effectiveness of your WAN optimization through WAAS reports and monitor bandwidth usage on different departments.
Another feature is the ability to set up alerts based on thresholds for your bandwidth traffic. These alerts can be created to trigger when specific IP addresses or protocols exceed a threshold. When this requirement is met, an e-mail message alerts the administrators so they can fix the issue.
As far as the security aspect is concerned, ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer comes with an interesting module that increases your network performance and keeps away scams and DOS attacks.
Being designed as a bandwidth monitoring utility, ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer collects and analyzes flows from major devices such as Cisco, Juniper or HP, monitors traffic patterns and tracks network anomalies that exceed your network firewall.
NetFlow analyzer Bandwidth monitor Monitoring tool NetFlow Analyzer Bandwidth Monitor
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