Scooby Doo is an American animated cartoon franchise that includes several television series produced ever since the late 1960’s, as well as movies and merchandise. Microsoft Dancer LE - Scooby Doo is a small tool that brings the amusing Great Dane to the screen of your computer.
The app has a simple interface that should be easy to figure out, thanks to the intuitive layout.
Thus, as mentioned, the app features the famous Scooby Doo performing various dance moves. He shakes his hips, twirls around, does flips and break dances.
The animation appears in the corner of the screen, but can be moved to any area with the help of the mouse.
Since the program lets you install other dancers as well, you have to select Scooby from the drop-down list or from the program’s “Options” area. You may have the dancers appear on the screen based on the music genre that is currently playing or in a random order.
The animation’s opacity levels may be modified as well with the help of a simple slider. The dancer can be kept on top of other windows and the app can be launched at system startup.
All in all, Microsoft Dancer LE – Scooby Doo is a fun tool that can keep you entertained. Beginner users shouldn’t have any troubles while installing and customizing this program, thanks to its overall simplicity.
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