Directory Lister Pro is a professional software application that helps you generate a list of files from a user-defined location, such as a directory, CD-ROM, floppy, or USB flash drive.
Although it comes bundled with many dedicated parameters, it sports a clean and straightforward layout that provides quick access to a set of well-organized functions.
Directory Lister Pro gives you the possibility to view the files stored in a partition or directory, select multiple file locations, and include subdirectories.
The list with the generated items includes details about the filename and extension, path, size, date when the document was created, and last accessed or written, size, owner, drive volume label, and attributes, as well as a short summery about the total number of directories, files, and size.
The program comprises a useful pack of configuration settings that allow you to customize the column layout in terms of attributes, extension, type, size, or other criteria.
One of the top features bundled in Directory Lister Pro is a smart filtering system which enables you to sort the results by document properties (e.g. title, author, keywords, comments, company, number of words and pages).
Additionally, you can filter multimedia files when it comes to video, image, and audio format, length, frame rate, video and audio bitrate, number of channels, bits per frequency, tile, artist, album, genre, resolution, exposure time, ISO speed, exposure time, and other criteria.
What’s more, you can make the utility display information about the EXE files, such as file version, description, copyright, company, as well as hash values.
Directory Lister Pro lets you perform several tweaking operations related to the column and row display, such as view directory rows, hide empty folders, reveal the time in date columns, display the summery at the top or bottom of the list, and treat archives as directories.
Other notable characteristics worth mentioning allow you to print the list, send it via email, or export it to HTML, CSV, plain text file, or database file format, pick the encoding method, and select the column order (e.g. size, file version, type).
Last but not least, the tool puts at your disposal some extra filtering options and exclusion parameters for helping you sort data by a user-defined size, file extensions (e.g. JPG, MP3, WAV, AVI, PDF, DWG), and archived, compressed, hidden, read only, or system files.
All in all, Directory Lister Pro proves to be a reliable file management utility that offers a handy set of parameters which should please beginners and professionals alike.
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