Extract Links From Multiple HTML Files Software offers you the possibility to select various files that are stored on your computer and retrieve the links from the website addresses found on those files.
This simple to use application features a clean and intuitive interface that displays the selected files and the specified web links. At the bottom of the window, this utility allows you to explore the results of the extraction process so you can easily save them.
Using Extract Links From Multiple HTML Files Software you can add files separately or select a folder that contains many of them, as well as specify your desired URLs. Furthermore, the application enables you to load URLs from text files.
After you add your files and specify desired URLs, you can select the link types you want to extract, such as HREFs and SRCs, and start the retrieving process.
In a short time the utility displays all the extracted links, then you can explore the results and with a double-click you can remove each of them from the list.
Extract Links From Multiple HTML Files Software provides you with multiple saving options. You can export the links to a text file or you can copy them to the clipboard so you can easily paste them anywhere you desire.
All in all, Extract Links From Multiple HTML Files Software is a straightforward and practical tool for those that want to explore the linked contents of a website without using sophisticated applications.
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muito obrigado pela crackfelipe
Merci beaucoup!gioia
Thank you very muchGustavo
the great work