Adding interesting effects to a live webcam stream should be a lot of fun, especially if the software solution you use is well equipped for such tasks. Among the many dedicated utilities for this kind of job, SparkoCam aims to bring a bit of novelty.
The ability to generate 3D anaglyph effects and the support for DLS cameras which can be connected and use in webcam mode are the paramount features of this program. Through a nice looking and easy to use interface all users can enjoy a variety of effects and customize the outgoing stream.
Other outstanding functions of SparkoCam are the fact that you will be able to insert custom videos or pictures to give a truly personal appearance to the broadcast. The live preview will enable you to control the overall aspect and adjust the effects and the connected device as you please.
In case you don't have or don't want to use a camera, it is possible to choose the PC's desktop or part of it. Also, an active application can be the source or you can have the image follow the cursor to achieve an even more interesting effect.
Capturing the stream as a WMV video can be easily done, just by pressing 'Record' in the main window of SparkoCam. Also, you will be able to take screenshots using the dedicated button placed under the preview area.
Insofar as the three-dimensional effect is concerned, you have at your disposal two adjustments, one for depth and another for alignment. These can be controlled either through two sliders or by entering the desired values manually.
All in all, SparkoCam does a great job and thanks to a solid feature pack coupled with an evident ease of use it proves to be one of the best tools in its category.
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