Just like you can easily be identified by your ID card, products and other items are fitted with barcodes which hold the information making that particular product unique. Computer applications Like Barcode Label Workshop Professional can be used in order to create different types of codes, and print them on labels.
The application is pretty much structured like a graphical designer, and it gets pretty difficult to identify the barcode creation utility. This isn’t a bad thing, on the contrary, it proves the extent of flexibility and creation options you can use. Side panels and other toolbars are fitted with all kinds of drawing tools and specific properties.
Measurement tools and rulers provide enhanced accuracy options so it’s printed with the required size specifications. There’s the option to change measurement unit indicator type, as well as the canvas itself, with different shapes and size specifications.
You’re able to draw quite a variety of geometrical shapes, add text, and fully customized with various style, size, and color options. What’s more, this applies to barcodes themselves, so they can blend with the label design, while holding the required set of values or information. More objects can be inserted, such as pictures of different formats, as well as text boxes with custom font options.
The barcode is defined through the corresponding properties window that shows up when double clicking. Various types can be selected from a drop-down menu, such as Code39, Code93, Code129, Maxicode, and different variations of EAN. Unfortunately, the popular QR Code type is not on the list of supported types.
What’s more, save options can create a bit of struggle, because default options are limited to the application specific. There’s no possibility to export as image for later processing, so the only choice here is to have it directly printed on a sheet of paper.
Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Barcode Label Workshop Professional manages to live up to expectations, at least when it comes to creation and customization options. Various tools make you forget it’s actually a barcode designer, but this component is pretty shallow in terms of types. Although export options leave more to be desired, it still deserves a try overall.
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