If you have been using the same e-mail account for a long time, you probably have to deal with numerous duplicate contacts, messages, calendar items and notes. A useful application that can help you deal with them is 1-Click Duplicate Delete for Outlook.
It is an intuitive tool that is integrated into Microsoft Outlook upon installation and allows you to scan your account's storage for duplicate items, then remove or merge them.
If you do not wish to modify any advanced settings, the application can perform an automatic scanning operation and remove duplicate items.
You do not need to worry about losing important data, as 1-Click Duplicate Delete for Outlook enables you to undo any actions that have been performed.
If you want to adjust various parameters, you can access the advanced mode, which allows you to customize the scanning settings.
You can specify which folders should be processed and whether or not subdirectories should be included. If you activate this option, you can have the program recognize duplicate items that are not in the same directory.
Additionally, the application allows you to choose which properties must be identical for two items to be considered duplicates.
Furthermore, you can choose which actions should be performed if identical items are found. The application can move them to a custom folder or delete them permanently. It duplicate contact entries are located, the program can merge them and retain both the new and old values when conflicts are detected.
As its name suggests, 1-Click Duplicate Delete for Outlook enables you to quickly process all the items in your account's storage with a single mouse click. However, even if you choose to access its more advanced functions, the application offers detailed explanations to help you understand what they can accomplish.
All in all, if you are looking for a lightweight and intuitive tool, designed to scan your e-mail account's storage and remove duplicate items, you should try 1-Click Duplicate Delete for Outlook.
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