With Surprise Maker you can create and send thousands of beautiful personalized surprises to your friends, chat/eMail friends, mates.
You can create and send Happy Birthday gifts, supper invitations, dating through a surprise, thanksgiving, advertise and much more...
You can insert personal pictures, custom songs, fonts, sound effects, clip art, text, web site addresses and you can lock it under password.Drag and drop and copy paste supported, very easy to use.
Surprise Maker supports your default eMail program for easy sending or you can save your creation to disk.
Surprises created with Surprise Maker can show images, can play music, can redirect users to your web site, can be forwarded, can run at startup, you can set it as Wall Paper and can be stored in My Surprises.
Install/Uninstall feature supported. So lets make surprise to someone... with this unique software!
Related Comments
joao vitor
muito obrigado pela crackGabriele
Patched. Thksantonella
awesome! love it