Broken links are a sign of inadvertence of the website owner and one of the most important indicators of a site's quality. Stumbling upon a '404' message is annoying for any visitor, which might ultimately result in traffic loss and the downgrade of your website's rating on search engines.
Fortunately, there are applications that can help you quickly identify broken links in your website and one of them is suggestively called Fast Link Checker.
Starting from the main page, this application can scan all the links of your website in order to find and retrieve lists of all the URLs that lead nowhere, so that you can fix them with ease.
Based on a multithreaded searching algorithm, it can analyze hyperlinks, images, style sheets, scripts and other links, double checking their availability for a specific number of times and then including them in the report. Gopher, News and mailto: links are ignored by default and you can configure the application to skip robots.txt files and external links.
The application provides compatibility with HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, FILE and RTSP protocols and supports password-protected webpages. Furthermore, you can use it to check all the links in a HTML file, without actually accessing the web server.
It can also be configured to narrow down the analysis to a user-defined directory level and skip files that have small sizes or slow links. The search can be filterted further by setting the application to ignore certain domains and bookmarks.
Fast Link Checker is a worth-having tool for any website owner or webmaster, assisting them in finding broken links that could affect the website's reputation and lower traffic.
Considering the importance of invalid URLs, it's safe to say that an application such as Fast Link Checker can be successfully included in one's SEO strategy.
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working patch. thanksVito
Gracias por Fast Link Checker serialGiulio
grazie mille per il keygen del Fast Link Checker