No Spam Today! accepts incoming mail from the open internet, checks it for spam, and then delivers it to your existing SMTP mail server.
NoSpamToday! for Servers is a server-based anti spam filter that protects any SMTP or POP3 mail server against spam. It is the ideal anti spam product for MS Exchange, Lotus Domino, IMail and any other mail server software.
Its flexible proxy architecture makes it very easy to integrate NoSpamToday! into any existing E-mail environment.
Traffic limiting protects your mail service from flooding or directory harvest attacks. Recipient addresses can be checked while a message is submitted, avoiding the backscatter problem caused by some mail servers trying to send non-delivery notifcations to forged sender addresses.
With NoSpamToday! you have online access to view statistics charts and reports in real-time using a web browser, or using the NoSpamToday! admin application.
Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, including subject, sender and recipient address), and a ranking of spam hosts (hosts submitting spam mails ie. in the last 24 hours).
The user interface is designed to allow easy, fool-proof configuration. Configuration changes are validated before they are accepted, and the user receives a warning before he can make a configuration error.
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