Text To Wave converts Text to MP3, Wave or WMA Files and can help you design a read aloud MP3 book.
Available in 11 major langauges this software tool helps solve a lot of your daily problems with electronic text. Using a mp3 player you may now listen to documents, read E-mails or web pages downloaded over the internet . Convert heavy CD literature or virtually any text in any of your subjects.
You may also convert your voice to mp3 and send it over by email Super stuff for home, school or office use. One great feature of this application is setting the readout speed. This helps immensely in text understanding cases, especially for schools or educational institutions.
The application is very easy to operate. In a few steps you can convert a text page to a mp3 file and save the file in a specified directory. Convert all of the pages and save all the mp3 files as a play list book. Open the list whenever you desire and listen aloud all pages. You may stop, pause and resume the playback.
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