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Snapshot Magic Crack + Activator

Quickly take snapshots of your desktop screen, as well as capture a single application window at a time by turning to this approachable toolo
Developed by Tekware Oct 23rd 2017 2 comments
Snapshot Magic Crack With Serial Number 2025

Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP

512 KB 7442 downloads Multimedia
930 2.5/5

Download Snapshot Magic [Crack Latest]

Since there is usually a lot of activity taking place on your desktop every time you use the computer, it can be useful to able to capture certain actions, by taking snapshots. Hence, these screenshots can be saved to the desired location on your hard disk and viewed whenever you need to use or present the information contained into the image files.

Snapshot Magic is a software utility designed to provide you with the ability to capture images of your desktop whenever you need to do so, using a simple mouse click to trigger the snapshot. In addition, you can also choose to target the entire screen, or focus on a single window, in case you do not want the entire desktop to be visible in the resulting picture.

Right from the bat, it is worth mentioning that there are no keyboard shortcuts you can use to speedup the process, which means that you are required to use the application's drop-down menu to make the capture. Thus, the fact that the actual screenshot is triggered by a simple mouse click loses its impact, since the time saved by doing so is evened out by the fact that you have to navigate through the utility to locate the appropriate button.

Once the images are captured, the application also enables you to bring a few modifications to them, using the included editing tools. Hence, the crop option can be used to select the desired part of the image to be cut from the original, in case you only need a specific portion for your purposes.

In addition, the resize tool comes into play whenever you are not satisfied with the resolution of the snapshots, by allowing you to easily scale them down to the desired proportions. To achieve this, you simply have to choose the percentage by which the picture is to be re-dimensioned, although you can only shrink the items.

In the end, Snapshot Magic presents itself as a simple and rather lacking image capturing utility, due to the rather limited number of features and the clunky snapshot procedure. It does, however, provide you with more than enough output formats for the captured pictures, including JPG, GIF and BMP.

Snapshot Magic Crack + Activator Snapshot Magic Crack With Serial Number 2025 Snapshot Magic Crack With Keygen 2025

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