Due to the numerous software utilities developed and updated almost on a daily basis, artists worldwide can no longer maintain that computers do not offer the same liberty as the pen and paper do when it comes to drawing. One of the applications that can prove this point is called BlackInk.
It installs smoothly and users can start playing around with the virtual brushes within seconds, with the only limit being their own imagination or creativity.
BlackInk provides artists with a wide range of customizable brushes and they each can be resized to the exact size needed by the user.
Some of these brushes are meant to emulate a calligraphy pencil, a felt-tip pen or an organic one, thus enabling users to come up with projects that could pass as being created with the old-school pen and paper.
On the other hand, there are some artsy and fancy brushes that are better suited for those who like to push boundaries when it comes to their designs.
As previously mentioned, the included brushes can be personalized by adjusting their color, opacity and rotation, as well as the shape of the fragments for the complex brushes. The shape interval and scatter can also be customized as users see fit.
Considering that, when working on computers, most artists resort to using a stylus to create their masterpieces, BlackInk also enables them to reset the stylus calibration when they consider there are any stroke offsets.
More experienced users can toy around with the Controller Editor or the Layer Manager, yet novices are advised to steer clear of these sections until they learn they way around BlackInk.
All in all, the application is a nifty little tool that can turn into a genuine gem in the hands of those who are experienced enough to make use of all its functions. Nonetheless, beginners can also generate amazing designs without too much of a hassle.
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