BatchInpaint is a reliable tool designed for batch image processing that can remove watermarks, timestamps, blemish or cracks from multiple photos at once. For instance, you can remove the timestamp from all the images you took on you your vacation in a few seconds.
The software can handle large numbers of files, as long as they are same size, format and have the same orientation. Timestamps from your vacation photos or corporate watermarks from presentation images are a few examples of objects that can be removed successfully.
The software processes the images using the technique of cloning neighboring pixels in order to replace the unwanted objects from your photos. It uses smart selection, that can hide the problem area in such a way that the final photo looks as if it never had it.
You can easily zoom in or out on the details from your photo and adjust the brush size, so your selection is as accurate as possible. You can use the Marker, that applies a mask over the problem areas or the Lasso and Polygonal Lasso tools in order to select larger areas that are automatically filled with the mask layer.
The Magic Wand can select similar colored pixels and the Eraser can help you adjust the mask area. You can set the size of the brush from 1 pixel to 500 pixels large. The mask area represents the object to be removed from the image.
The batch image processing function of BatchInpaint implies that you only need to select the removable area in one photo and the software applies the same settings to all images. This is why it works best if the watermark or timestamp lies in the same place in all the photos. If the picture format, size or object are different, you need to process each file individually.
BatchInpaint is an intuitive and reliable tool that can remove unwanted objects from batches of images. Corporate watermarks, timestamps or dead camera pixels can be fixed in a few simple clicks. The software can help you save time with individual image processing.
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