Designing electrical circuits or other components that are meant for production use or mass manufacturing involves lots of knowledge and a solid set of utilities to get the job done properly.
Since most CAD related projects can be completed using AutoCAD or one of its siblings, many developers chose to create plugins and other add-ins that can be integrated inside these comprehensive environments to add even more functions to an already feature-packed tool.
Electrical Symbols Library is one such addition that was created to support the design of several types of diagrams. The package contains over 160 symbols that are available in DWG format, native to AutoCAD and also compatible with other similar software solutions.
As soon as the library is loaded in the main program, a special drop-down menu will be added and all the components will become available with just a couple of clicks. The symbols are neatly organized inside several categories, so the user can choose electrical diagrams, power, lighting or grounding symbols.
With the help of Electrical Symbols Library it is possible to insert in any project items like circuit breakers, starters, alarms, fuses or ground connections. There is nothing that has to be configured, simply pick the category then browse until the item needed in the project under development becomes available.
Thanks to this package, even a powerful utility like AutoCAD can receive some welcomed additions that will further enhance and expand its capabilities, making it more suitable for a new type of designs.
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спасибо за кряк для Electrical Symbols LibrarySalvatore
thanks admin