Whenever you need to send a large video to someone, you might encounter problems, as most email or file transfer services have a size limit. It is recommended to use a file splitter that can reduce the size on your original file by spitting it into several smaller ones, which are easier to handle.
idoo Video Splitter is a handy application that can help you do just that. It gives you the possibility to split a large video file into several smaller ones, using as a delimiter a specific size or video duration.
The program can help you split a large video files into several chunks, which are delimited by either size or by a time limit. By doing so, you are able to easily manage these smaller parts, as they can be sent via email easier.
Furthermore, you can use the file splitter to remove unwanted parts from a video, as it allows you to specifically delimit it at any part you want.
The application can help you create matching parts of a video, that resemble in either size or duration. For instance, this can help you split a large movie into several parts that can be ripped on CDs and DVDs.
You can alternatively use the program to remove parts of the video that you do not want, by separately splitting them away from the large file. This way, you can use the application as a video cropper.
To draw a conclusion, idoo Video Splitter provides a quick and easy way to split a video file into smaller blocks, either by choosing the delimiter by size or by video duration.
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how to use idoo Video Splitter serial?Eduardo
спасибо, работает)Gianmarco
working crack. thanks