Plagiarism Finder is a reliable software that enables you to identify and match pieces of text from your documents with original online sources, in order to determine the level of plagiarism. The software can connect to multiple online searching engines in order to ensure a wide area of sources for plagiarism.
Plagiarism Finder can match the input text, that you can paste from the clipboard, as well as import from a document or a URL. The supported file formats for text import include DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF and TXT. When importing text from a PDF, you need to make sure that the copying privileges are not restricted.
Whether you import text from a file, website or you paste it from clipboard, the software can display the full source in the dedicated area, so that you may view and read it.
The software features two modes of identifying and matching pieces of text from your document to online sources. It may separate your text into sentences and search the Internet for exact matches, or for more accuracy, it can select custom-length fragments. When choosing the second option, you need to also specify the fragment length, regarded as number of characters.
Setting the searching parameters implies that you select the online services you wish to call upon. Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, Google Books and Google Scholar are the searching engines that Plagiarism Finder can connect to. You may select all, for a more accurate search, or tick only specific boxes. Additionally, you may mention sources that ought to be ignored by the software.
When the process is finished, the application displays the results as highlighted portions of your text, but also as a pie chart, indicating the plagiarism percentage and the online sources that already contain your text.
With Plagiarism Finder, checking essays, reports and other papers for plagiarism is made easy. Not only can it identify the fragments of your text that are already published, but it can also indicate the original online sources, in order to establish your work’s credibility. Moreover, you can import text from many different input sources and let the software conduct thorough queries online.
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awesome! love itCarmine
grazie mille per il serial