CenoPDF is a lightweight Microsoft Office add-in that integrates with Word, Publisher and Excel and gives users the ability to insert simple development objects such as Combo Boxes and Radio Buttons. When done, users can save their project directly to PDF format.
The tool is valuable for anyone who regularly uses Microsoft Office products and wants to save projects as Portable Document Format files. This includes a wide array of users and virtually anyone working with the Office suite can benefit from this utility. The ability to insert GUI widgets can also make it a good tool for generating simple programming presentations.
Given that the add-in integrates with and runs within the Microsoft suite, it shares the host program's interface. The only notable difference is that it creates a CenoPDF ribbon, which stores all its functionality. Crisp buttons are all users need to employ in order to create rich PDFs.
CenoPDF works with either old or new Office documents and supported formats include: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX and PUB. In its most basic expression, one can use the resource to simply load standard text documents and export them to PDF.
Conversion is one possible use for this plug-in, but the multiple graphical control elements that one can insert in source documents are the really notable features. With them, anyone can create rich PDF documents that allow user interaction.
Further customization is allowed, and elements can even be configured to execute custom javascripts on certain triggers. Another example would be creating a button that switches the page view to a certain item within the host PDF.
All in all, CenoPDF is a powerful Microsoft Office add-in that allows users to create highly customized content and export it as PDF.
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