Workshare Professional is a software solution that will empower Microsoft Office users with complete document control and security.
Workshare Professional 5 is the first document control product to be fully compatible with and take advantage of the infrastructure and Open XML file formats delivered by the 2007 Microsoft Office system infrastructure.
Workshare Professional is Vista ready, and also runs on previous Microsoft operating systems versions. Workshare is integrated with major email and messaging systems including Microsoft Outlook, SharePoint and Live Meeting, and IBM Lotus Notes.
Optional document repository system connectors include SharePoint, EMC Documentum, Interwoven, Hummingbird, OpenText and IBM Score. In addition, Workshare Professional fully supports the remote client implementation on Citrix.
Embeded Lifecycle Workflows
Embeded Lifecycle Workflows inside the 2007 Office Ribbon Bar and Task Pane ensure policy enforced and compliant document lifecycles.
Review and comparison capabilities are fully embedded in 2007 Sharepoint Extranet and Collaborative Workspaces as well as Live Meeting for real-time collaboration.
Extend the power of Office 2007 Document Inspector and Vista Rights management by providing content and context aware policy enforcement and usage auditing of these capabilities.
The World's Most Secure PDFWith complete policy based and auditable risk discovery and remediation prior to PDF conversion Workshare Professional is the first and only solution to offer leak proof PDF's.
Policy-enforcement for secure PDF creation 'in motion' over email, portals and removable devices, including enforcement of 128-bit encryption and signing and PDF restrictions, ensures the PDF's you share are secure.
With Workshare you benefit from PDF/A ISO compliant PDF conversion from any application or Document Management System, including support for "tagged" PDF files.
Complete Endpoint Information Leak Prevention Receive complete protection from Privacy, IP and confidential information leaks when sharing documents over email, removable media, and portals.
Through seamless integration of Workshare Protect, Workshare Professional now delivers Information Leak Prevention (ILP) security. Fully configurable with extensible risk alerts, centralized security policy management, auditing and reporting provide complete endpoint protection.
In addition, Workshare Professional can take advantage of Workshare Ready partners such as Interwoven and Documentum for risk classification and Microsoft RMS, PGP, and others for rich risk mitigation.
New document sharing and control features based on customer feedback include centralized, fully auditable track changes and DeltaView redlines stored independently from the source file.
Complex table comparisons, and intricate numbering and formatting changes set the standard for document comparison with unmatched accuracy.
The new One-to-Many comparison shows multiple document comparisons across different versions inside an easy to navigate tabbed view.
Comparison options now include standard DeltaView output, DeltaViews in Secured PDFs and editable Track Change redline options.
Metadata links allow document management systems users to track matters across documents when sent for review from and to anywhere, all while maintaining a full audit trail of review and sharing activities.
Workshare Professional is built to work in customer's current and future environment and infrastructures. Workshare is integrated with all major versions of Microsoft Office in use today, including Office XP, Office 2003 and now the 2007 Microsoft Office system.
Get fast and accurate multi-person document review
Eliminate multiple versions with complete document lifecycle management
Stop information leaks with the most secure PDF available
Provides information compliance for organizations
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