ExpenseSheet is a very well-developed Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will create professional and complete travel/business expense reports. It's ideal for small or home-based businesses as a record of expenses for reimbursement, accounting, or tax purposes.
The colorful, easy-to-complete spreadsheet lets you enter major expense items daily for each week or month. It automatically totals entries for the week or the month.
You enter mileage details in a separate table, which automatically calculates mileage expense at your company rate. Should you need more space or additional information, there's a convenient unlock control to edit the layout of the spreadsheet so you can add more business or travel items. Built-in help is available to assist you, but the layout of the form is intuitive.
■ 400Mhz processor
■ 64mb RAM
■ 4 GB HDD
■ Web server (with PHP and MySQL support)
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cheers, thanksJosé
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