Admit it, you did not have a perfect attendance record. Keeping track of this can be done in several ways and Student Attendance Recorder Software wants to help by giving you the possibility to work in a user-friendly environment while keeping every option as simple as possible.
Running the application reveals your main workspace. All tools are easily accessible with a simple mouse click, buttons being conveniently placed.
A drop-down menu lets you select the class and students are displayed in a large center area. Additionally, a text field allows you to write down anything of importance. Creating entries for students and classes is done from the same window, fitted with necessary options to add or delete.
The features mentioned above are as far as you can stretch functionality. When adding a new student you are required, besides a name, to select a picture, otherwise, a default one is attributed which is an already existing one.
Moreover, entries with the same name can be created, because there is nothing to warn you. Changing the attendance status is done by clicking on a student and can be either present, late or absent.
Unfortunately, you cannot specify how much time a student is late unless doing so in a separate application. Don't even think of doing so in the additional notes field, because they apply for all classes.
Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Student Attendance Recorder Software only manages to get half the job done. It is extremely easy to use but limited options make it merely a one night stand.
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