Managing personal finances has always been an important task, which can at times seem quite grueling. To avoid just these situations, digital tools have been created and Personal Finance is one such program; it allows users to keep track of all debit and credit operations related to one or multiple accounts.
The tool can keep track of any operations that target one or multiple bank accounts. This is one of the strong points of the application, as users are free to define more than one account. Besides the fact that this allows entire families to manage their finances, individuals can also make transfers between two accounts.
As with most similar utilities, a starting value for the bank account has to be defined and, once this balance is defined, all subsequent debit and credit transactions are tallied up against each other to yield monthly, weekly or daily account values.
It should be noted that, in theory, the program can also import financial data from any type of file. In practice, however, source documents have to have a certain internal layout to be compatible with the program and the recommended format for import operations is OFX.
Whichever method is chosen, once data is loaded into the tool, statistics can be generated. These allow users to view informative balance and payees charts, as well as data-rich tables, complete with dates of all the recorded transactions.
In conclusion, Personal Finance is a practical tool for anyone interested in managing small financial operations. Most basic debit and credit transactions can be recorded and statistics can be displayed, based on the input data.
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thanks for the patch for Personal FinanceMarcos
Baie dankie vir die patchBruce
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