The GPX file format is often used by various devices or applications to store location data, but the contained information sometimes needs to be converted to the KMZ or KML formats employed by Google Earth.
GPX to KMZ / KML converter is a very simple utility designed to help you perform this operation in a few easy steps. It can export waypoints, routes, tracks and time stamps, as well as join track segments.
The application supports drag and drop, so importing new GPX files is as simple as can be. The contained data is displayed in a tree-like structure, with the waypoints, routes and tracks being organized in separate folders.
You can expand each directory to view detailed information about certain items, such as latitude and longitude, elevation, time, description and comments.
The application’s interface is fairly simplistic and a bit outdated, but it has an intuitive layout.
When processing data from a source GPX file, you have the option of saving all the contained info, as well as only exporting waypoints, routes or tracks. Furthermore, you can determine whether or not the application should export time stamps or join track segments.
GPX to KMZ / KML converter can open the last file to be processed in Google Earth, so there is no need to navigate to its location manually.
You can use this application to export waypoints, routes or tracks without installing it beforehand, which means it is possible to carry it on a portable storage device and deploy it easily whenever you need to convert data.
In conclusion, GPX to KMZ / KML converter is a useful tool that allows you to convert location info stored in GPX files to the KMZ or KML file formats. It is very intuitive and can even open the new files in Google Earth as soon as they are saved.
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great works on my PC. RegardsUmberto
muito obrigado pela serial