Flight planning becomes a breeze when you're assisted by PocketFMS: by plotting your route, getting weather information from the Internet, computing your performance and fuel consumption, suggesting alternates and computing your weight & balance PocketFMS can do all the tedious work for you. But PocketFMS is more than just another E6B utility, the best is yet to come . .
PocketFMS is a useful and constantly developing software Flight Management System package for Windows PC's and Pocket PC's, which will assist you with flight planning and during flight execution.
Once connected to a GPS receiver, PocketFMS's Moving Map feature will guide you safely through any flight, be it in Europe, Australia, Asia, the US, wherever. Your present position is clearly displayed on the Moving Map, as well as your track, heading, speed, altitude etc. The Moving Map also displays the location of beacons, airports, restricted areas, frequencies, elevations and, basically, anything you select to be displayed. No longer you have to anxiously keep your finger on the map, look at the clock every 10 seconds or wonder if the river you just crossed was one you were supposed to cross 5 minutes ago . . .
The PocketFMS Package, available for download from this website, contains 2 separate executables and documentation. One is the PC version, which will run in Microsoft Windows environments (you'll need Windows 2K / NT / XP). The second can be installed on your Pocket PC, operating Windows CE / Windows Mobile or higher. Both programs are fully functional, non-limited, free of nagware and possess roughly equal capabilities. PocketFMS can also be used in conjunction with Microsoft's Flight Simulator.
In a nutshell: how do I use PocketFMS?
Generally it often proves easy to prepare the flight planning sitting at your own desk, working with your own PC. You select the departure and destination aerodromes, instruct PocketFMS to get the MeteoData, and PocketFMS plots the route for you. You can manually adjust the route, add waypoints, avoid certain airspace classes and -types as well as low cloud bases as much as you desire; PocketFMS will compute the most optimal route after each and every adjustment you make. Once you're satisfied with the entire planning you simply click one button to transfer the flight plan, weather data, maps and all to your Pocket PC, grab your PDA with GPS receiver and go fly. Simply keep the little airplane on the plotted line, and you'll constantly be aware of where you are, where you're heading, what you will encounter and when you'll arrive!
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спасибі за патч для PocketFMSgioia
спасибі за кейген для PocketFMSSerena
Thanks for the serial number for PocketFMS