novaPDF SDK is a software development kit that enables you to insert PDF creation features in the applications you create.
This development kit includes a COM interface that allows you to manage printer options, as well as a customization tool, designed to help you configure printer distribution.
novaPDF SDK is compatible with most programming languages (C/C++, C#, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, Java and many others). The offered documentation includes various code samples, to help you configure your application.
Once it is installed, the program allows you to convert any printable document to PDF, with the use of a printer driver. There are many document settings that can be modified, enabling you to customize the output file.
You can modify the embedded metadata, to insert title, subject, author and creator information, as well as add keywords.
It is also possible to encrypt the generated document, using user or owner passwords.
Additionally, the document can be automatically sent via e-mail or appended to the beginning or end or an existing PDF file.
You can create and modify numerous profiles and assign separate ones to multiple printers. This allows you to choose a different printer for a specific operation instead of changing each one's active profile.
The application enables you to alter various printing settings, to specify how the PDF file should be created and saved.
You can customize document information, fonts, image compression settings, bookmark configurations, security options and link formatting. Additionally, you can add various types of watermarks or overlays and digitally sign the created documents.
All in all, novaPDF SDK is a powerful tool, designed to help you insert a PDF creation function in your own applications. It can be integrated into any program developed in a language that supports COM objects and offers numerous options for customization.
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