A reliable Parser that allows you to convert X12 837 claims or 835 remittance files into a CSV, XML or DBF files. With scripted command lines available to automate the process, or for users to create custom mapping scripts.
It is designed to be used either on the desktop or can be called from another application to convert an X12 file. It can be set to convert all the files in a specified folder or for use on a specific file, or used to view different file formats after or before converting.
The X12 Parser can create an SQL table with custom tables added or excluded during the creation process. Informational Report Data is displayed in context sensitive screens next to their X12 transactions.
This model is able to support the following: 837 Health Care Claim, 277 Claim Status, 835 Remittance Advice, 864 Information Report and 997 Functional Acknowledgement. Each one can be viewed, printed and converted into different formats.
Multiple claim status requests can be generated along with single claim forms generated. All generated content can be modified and edited, converted into multiple formats for easier editing or configured for optimal printing. Additional CMS reports can be edited or generated from over 837 different optional claims and X12 transactions.
Model C1D0U252 X12 Parser can be run from other applications using the input file name as a parameter automatically without the need for special configuration or synchronization.
The application also includes rich text file, PDF and HTMl support with X12 conversion options available for each.
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