unWC is a small and easy-to-use program that enables users to decompile executable ebook files, which were previously created with Webcompiler. Its limited features can be effortlessly learned, even by first-time users.
After a brief installation procedure, you are welcomed by a standard window with a well-organized layout that's not particularly impressive in the visual department.
Loading items into the working environment can be done by using either the file browser or folder view (the ”drag and drop” functionality is not supported). It is possible to process multiple EXE files in a single session.
So, all you have to do is establish the output directory (same as the original items or custom), and proceed with the decompilation task.
Furthermore, you can include all subfolders of a directory in this process, view details (e.g. all processed items, remaining files, status), as well as switch to a different language for the UI or make unWC stay on top of other windows. However, there are no other configuration options available through this tool.
unWC includes a help file, has a good response time to key strokes and mouse events, and finishes a task rapidly. No error dialogs have been shown in our tests and unWC did not hang or crash; we haven't experienced any technical difficulties. Although this tool may not be very resourceful, it certainly delivers quick solutions to viewing the contents of an EXE ebook file created with Webcompiler.
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