PHPEdit provides a complete, fully-customizable IDE for working with PHP in order to develop web applications and professional-looking websites. Designed to ease your work and increase efficiency, this application comes with a set of advanced coding tools and support for other PHP frameworks, such as Symfony, Prado or eZ publish.
One of its key functionality is the integration of code assistants and code generators. Furthermore, it can implement interfaces, override methods or create documentation blocs for different functions.
Syntax highlighting (for multiple languages, including PHP, HTML, CSS and more), smart code completion and folding, comments and bookmarks, real-time syntax checking are other editing tools that you can use. Together with the variate collection of code templates, these features can increase productivity and improve the quality of your projects.
The application comes with a powerful script debugging tool that enables you to run the code line by line, in order to view how the application works. By default, the debugger uses the internal server of PHPEdit, but it can be configured to use your own server, even on remote systems.
Create breakpoints, view variable values and class attributes, insert watchers, easily evaluate expressions, generate error logs and use the profiling features to detect code sections that are taking more time to execute. In addition to this, PHPEdit includes an extension for Firefox that you can use to quickly enable or disable debugging and profiling in the browser.
The program can help you organize the files into different projects and provides you with a tree-structured code browser. Task reports, advanced search tools and project dependencies list are other advantages that it comes with. Additionally, it features extension support, which you can use to customize the IDE according to your needs and requirements.
Despite its name, PHPEdit is much more than a simple PHP editor. It includes all the necessary tools to help you customize the work environment, generate quality code and speed up the development process.
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