Password Breaker is a utility that can generate a combination of characters in order to determine the password for a protected application or ZIP file.
However, it is necessary to mention that this application does not have the capacity to reveal the password or determine when the correct password has been entered, but it simply tries all the possible combinations of the characters set you select.
The software application allows you to verify a password by using the built-in wizard. You only have to follow a few simple steps to generate password combinations.
First, you choose to create a new job or import an existing one, set the target file type (EXE or ZIP), enter a job name and a small description.
Password Breaker allows you to configure the character lists, including small and capital letters, digits, symbols and space. Configuring the password template means you have to select the number of blocks and character sets. The program can be set to consider character repetition or not.
The main window displays all the pending and completed jobs and detailed information about each one of them. Thus, you can view the total number of characters, the maximum length and the number of generated passwords.
As mentioned before, the program only supports determining the possible passwords for executable and ZIP files and not protected file types. Another drawback of the program concerns the hotkeys. Although it comes with predefined hotkeys for running, stopping and pausing the current jobs, users are not allowed to change them.
Although its name suggests it, Password Breaker does not actually break passwords. Its purpose is to generate all the possible combination of characters, in order to help you determine the password and access the protected file.
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