Depending on the type of info you are storing, and on what storage device, you might need tools in order to monitor all incoming and outgoing data, along with path details. In this regard, Disk Pulse Ultimate provides the needed functions to keep an eye on data flow, with the possibility to be notified when changes are made.
The main window is cleverly structured and is equipped with various info fields and quick access to main functions. All activity is displayed in a table with path, owner, size, operation, as well as date related info. Additionally you can sort it out according to various criteria.
You can select items to keep under surveillance either locally, removable storage devices, or connected to the same network, given the proper privileges. Entire volumes can be selected, or simply folders for close monitoring, with the possibility to choose items to exclude from the process.
Depending on your purpose, there are several customization options and rules to set before putting the process in motion. Multiple profiles can be created so you don have to go through the setup each time. Available adjustments include and are not limited to target volume selection, general events to monitor, custom rules, as well as exclusion lists.
In addition, if using it for important data, the application lets you enable email alerts to a custom SMTP server, with the possibility to choose the info you want to receive. Moreover, a log file can also be saved locally for further processing, and you can either print out or export as HTML, text, CSV, XML, PDF and a few more.
On an ending note, Disk Pulse Ultimate lives up to expectations in delivering a simple means to keeping preferred disk drives under surveillance for enhanced security. Setting up the process is easy enough, even if you can create pretty thorough rules. It's light on system resources and it's overall worth a try.
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