Usually, your computer can simplify a wide variety of tasks since it comes with numerous capabilities and useful functions that you can rely on.
However, sometimes your work might involve repeating the same action multiple times and that can quickly become boring and tedious. Fortunately, you can rely on third-party programs, such as Rapid Auto Clicker Software, to help you in this situation.
This program comes with a plain user interface that encompasses a couple of fields where you can adjust basic parameters, thus allowing you to benefit from them without effort. You can define a number of seconds after which the program automatically starts clicking and specify the number of seconds between each two consecutive clicks.
Although it provides you with no integrated help documentation, this utility features a couple of buttons assigned to each of the fields that you can click in order to view helpful hints. Unfortunately, both buttons yield the same feedback, instead of displaying different information.
When you first run the application and before launching its function, Rapid Auto Clicker Software displays a friendly reminder and advises you not to forget a key combination that stops it. This is a helpful tip since the application is capable of generating clicks at low intervals of time (e.g. 0,1 seconds) and might render you unable to use your computer.
Unfortunately, pressing the key combination after launching its feature does not stop the clicking frenzy and unless you have set a convenient number of seconds between two consecutive mouse clicks, you might need to restart your PC.
All in all, Rapid Auto Clicker Software is a lightweight application that helps you set your mouse to automatically and constantly click or double click after a user-defined time interval. However, you should be aware that it does not come with any help documentation, as it only provides you with two different hint buttons that display the same text message. Additionally, the default key combination does not stop the clicking process, as it is supposed to.
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thanks for the keygen for Rapid Auto Clicker SoftwareRenato
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