If you share your computer with multiple users, you probably know how difficult it is to keep your private files away from prying eyes. Hiding them is not an ideal solution, as they can still be accessed easily.
Safeplicity is a handy software utility that provides you with a solution to this issue. It enables you to encrypt and hide any folder on your hard drive, rendering it inaccessible until the right password is entered.
Once installed, the program is launched automatically at system startup, and all of its functions can be accessed by right-clicking a particular folder. The application does not get in your way, but it is always there when you need it.
A short video tutorial is displayed when first launching the application, showcasing its capabilities. Novices should find it to be very helpful, and you can watch it again at any time.
Whenever you want to secure a certain directory, you only need to right-click it and specify if it should only be encrypted, or hidden as well. After providing a password, the folder should only be accessible to the user who has protected it.
If a directory has been hidden, you can make it visible by right-clicking anywhere in its containing directory and choosing the Unhide option. All concealed folders will be displayed, and you can specify which of them should be processed.
Forgetting your password is not uncommon, and this application can help you gain access to your files by sending your encryption key to an e-mail address that was provided when securing a folder.
In conclusion, Safeplicity is an easy-to-use program that can help you ensure no one other than yourself can view and edit your important files. It offers a fair number of useful features and is integrated into the File Explorer context menu.
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